Sunday, February 06, 2011

It's Amazing What a Minuscule Pencil Stroke Can do...

Well honestly I never thought photo realistic portraits really do exist. Even if they did appear all over the web,I was very much convinced that, if a portrait looks too real then it must be a photoshop effect. But I decided to give it a try and find out if all those stunningly-real portraits can really be created by mere strokes of something as normal as a pencil.


It seems possible...especially it started soundin more convincing after i tried my hand at one such portrait. :) And here goes the result...

There are people around the world who come up with a lot of interesting things through practice. One such person is Darell Tank whose portraits have that incredible realism about them. With tools as cliche as pencils, eraser, cotton and a blending stump he proved that uncompromising dimension can be created.
It's not just him. There are loads of other people too who have the gift of capturing art on a piece of paper with the ultimate touch of realism to it. But it's still intriguing to believe that no matter how small the stroke of the pencil is, it still makes a huge difference to the end result: It can simply make or break your work.