"Life is always about getting up one more time than you are knocked down."
Things happen... things always do happen... while some things make you feel good, some others don't. Well, some others may even crumple you, send ripples through your heart, hurt you or even tear you apart.
No matter how much you may wish with all your heart that those pages don't ever appear in your life's book, they are what they are: an inherent part of your amazing life's journey that have hidden lessons to learn from. Sometimes, the flowing gust of wind may accidentally flip the pages back to those that hurt you the most.
We may very much wish to hide those pages by dismantling them... but there'll always be a counterfoil left out somewhere which acts as a painful reminder of the past. One thing is crystal clear for sure: what already happened cannot be undone. There may be hell lot of people who say that everything happens for a reason...blah blah blah... but you know clearly well that they are just tryin to make you feel better coz even they cannot undo the past,...n it isn't wrong to have a feel good factor in troubled times...But why bother about why it happened when nothing can be done even after knowing the reason?
So once you've accepted that fact, the next thing to do would be to grab that second chance that life offers once in a while. There's a reason why 10:10 (or any other time in the day as a matter of fact) appears twice on the clock everyday: it's life's way of showing that there is a second chance for everyone.
It is how we use that rare second chance to mold the future that really does matter the most,- that chance to start over all over again, that chance to show that you've learnt life's lessons, that chance to do things right this time.
And everyone should grab this second chance not just to show others, but to show themselves of what they are capable of doing, to prove to their own selves that given a second chance they would never commit the same mistakes again.
But taking second chances means taking the path less trodden, but once you risk taking it, u'll never regret your choice again. I'm already on this path and am finding it quite amazing myself, starting over again, and doing all the things that i alwaaayz wished i would do. And for this I should say that you need people who support you and respect your decisions n this post'll be incomplete without thanking alll my friends from the bottom of my heart. I can't tell you how much of a help you guys have been to me in the most difficult of times: u r d best!